Main ⁄ ⁄ DRP (Disaster recovery planning)

DRP (Disaster recovery planning)

DRP is a set of measures to protect infrastructure from the consequences of accidents and disasters. The main components of DRP are forecasting of possible accidents and consistent response tactics, often presented in the form of a plan. Properly organized response and protection measures can significantly reduce damage or avoid the consequences of all kinds of accidents for business.

Main stages of DRP preparation

  • Identification of possible risks
  • Assessing the impact of risks and possible consequences of accidents
  • Development of risk mitigation measures
  • Implementation of the DRP plan
  • Systematic updating and testing of the plan

The development and implementation of DRP requires the involvement of various departments, divisions and executives. An effective DRP contains a detailed communication plan between all employees involved in maintaining the plan. In some cases, DRP is a mandatory element of infrastructure security. Its absence can result in fines and sanctions from the regulator.

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