Renting GPU server

Renting GPU server for machine learning. Selecting components and service

Development of artificial intelligence motivates businesses to utilize new technologies in research and production processes. Manufacturers have developed high-performance GPU chips optimized for working with AI, and service providers offer ready-to-rent GPU server configurations for machine learning and logical inference. How to select a server for working with neural networks and how to save on service maintenance.

Infrastructure as a Service

Infrastructure as a service: selecting an IaaS provider

IaaS – infrastructure as a service – is the most dynamically developing segment of the cloud services market. In this case, the client rents a full set of computing resources with the required configuration, which he distributes at his discretion.

Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS: key aspects and benefits

In today’s world, businesses need to be agile and efficient, and IaaS can be a powerful tool. In this article we look at what infrastructure as a service includes, when and to whom it is required, and what benefits it provides.

Rental of network equipment in Europe

Rental of Network Equipment in Europe: The Hassle-Free Way to Stay Connected

Rental of network equipment is a cost-effective solution that allows businesses to minimize their expenses on infrastructure. This article highlights the advantages and benefits of renting network equipment in Europe, offering insights into how businesses can reduce their expenses and improve their operations.

File storage rental

Storage lease

Information is the most important value for any company. One way to ensure data security and reduce IT infrastructure maintenance costs is to rent cloud storage.

Typical server problems

How to fix a server problem

A server failure can ruin a business, negatively affect the reputation, and reduce the productivity of employees. Performing a set of technical works allows you to minimize the risk of problems and quickly fix them when detected.