Main ⁄ ⁄ MongoDB


MongoDB is a database management system (DBMS) of NoSQL class. MongoDB stores information in the form of documents and collections, rather than in tables and schemas, as it is implemented in relational DBMSs. In some cases, this method of data storage allows to increase the performance of the whole system.

MongoDB is a cross-platform product and can be used with all popular operating systems Windows, Linux, MacOS and others.

MongoDB application areas:

  • Storage of events in the system (e.g. logging)
  • Collecting data from sensors
  • E-commerce
  • Mobile applications
  • AI and machine learning
  • Document management systems

It is possible to use the free version of the product under the Affero (AGPL) GNU license. The advantages of the commercial version are: technical support from the developer, integrated management, monitoring and backup tools.

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