Main ⁄ ⁄ Provider


Providers are companies that provide Internet access and related services on a commercial basis. Providers build the infrastructure and create communications that allow users and commercial companies to connect to the World Wide Web. The cost and terms of connection are stipulated in advance in the agreement. A provider undertakes obligations to organize access to the network and maintain the infrastructure.

The services offered by a provider may vary depending on the company’s specialization.

Internet service providers are classified by the following levels:

  • Tier 1: operators of the first level. They are the owners of underwater communication highways connecting continents. They provide access to the second-level operators.
  • Tier 2: operators of the second level. These are commercial companies of national scale, providing network access to organizations and business structures.
  • Tier 3: operators of the third level. They offer Internet access to individuals and businesses. Most often operators of the third level use the networks of Tier 2 operators.

Service providers are companies that offer comprehensive services for organizing IT infrastructure for business and industry. They rent server hardware and provide high-speed Internet access.

Service categories of service providers:

  • Rental of servers, data storage, and network hardware. Organization of IT infrastructure on a turnkey basis.
  • Allocation of hardware in specialized data centers characterized by a high level of security and the ability to operate autonomously for up to several days even in the event of a complete power outage.
  • Technical maintenance of server hardware and IT infrastructure elements.
  • Connection to public cloud platforms and organization of private cloud networks.
  • Cybersecurity services and organization of secure communication channels.

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