Main ⁄ ⁄ Remote workplace

Remote workplace

Remote workplace is a way of organizing the work process for an individual employee, department or an entire company outside the corporate office. A remote workplace is created by using special software that allows employees to access their personal workspace in the corporate IT system from any location with an Internet connection. From a technical point of view, there are two approaches to the method of organizing a remote workplace.

  • Terminal access – a single server managed by a single operating system to which all employees of the company can connect.
  • Virtual workplace – data of all employees is stored on a single server, but each workplace operates as an individual virtual PC. This method of organization requires more computing resources, but the probability of server disruption due to employee actions is much lower.

Remote workplaces provide flexibility in the organization of work processes within a company, reduce the cost of creating workstations in the office and renting office space. Organization of a remote workplace (remote desktop) is a service that a business can order from a provider.

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