The conditions for hosting sites change over time. The more active the web resource, the higher the requirements for the choice of hosting. If the quality and speed of communication is negatively affecting the business, the website should be moved to another hosting service.
When to move to a new server
- Slow speed requests and actions.
- Regular DDoS attacks and low security.
- Problems with technical support.
- Efficiency is minimal or absent for a long time.
How to move the site to hosting
Usually, moving to another hosting is done according to an algorithm. It is necessary:
- Add a domain and folders for subsequent file uploads.
- Create a backup of the site and make sure it is functional.
- Transfer files from the old site. To save time it is better to pack the documents in an archive.
- Transfer the database.
- Transfer email accounts.
- Update the CMS configuration files.
Change the DNS server and connect the domain name to the new hosting.
When choosing where to migrate your hosting, don’t be guided by cost – an attractively low price is likely to mean problems with performance and speed.
Optimization when moving a local site to hosting is achieved by using a file manager.
Transferring a MODX site to hosting requires experience in administration, as the process is complex and lengthy, with frequent bugs. The situation is similar when migrating a site to WordPress. In these cases, it is recommended to contact technical support or use the services of specialist outsourcers.
How to transfer a domain, database from hosting
To save an existing domain name, you bind it to a new host. The address change procedure is performed by changing the DNS server settings.
Changing the settings may take anywhere from a few to 48 hours. This is due to the fact that the system requires time to process received requests to change the accounts.
When you need to migrate a domain from Wix to another hosting service, you should keep in mind that after domain migration, the site is shut down and there is no technical support. The migration is carried out according to the new hosting instructions and EPP codes (migration authorisation).
- The database is backed up to a local disk during the migration. This is necessary to ensure that critical information is not lost. Then its encoding is written to the old hosting. After importing the database on the new hosting is written to the old encoding.
- Copying files from the site is done through a file manager with an FTP connection.
Get assistance with website migration when changing hosting provider
Transfer a website to new hosting
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As a rule, all hosters offer new users techsupport services, including helping to solve the problem of how to transfer a site to another hosting. To get help, you can create an appeal through the control panel or write an email request.