Why do I need an infrastructure backup

Backup to your infrastructure

It is possible to protect critical data by creating backups. In order to preserve the infrastructure, it is necessary to choose a backup method and to have a software and hardware complex for creating copies and restoring them.

File storage rental

Storage lease

Information is the most important value for any company. One way to ensure data security and reduce IT infrastructure maintenance costs is to rent cloud storage.

Typical server problems

How to fix a server problem

A server failure can ruin a business, negatively affect the reputation, and reduce the productivity of employees. Performing a set of technical works allows you to minimize the risk of problems and quickly fix them when detected.

SaaS service in Europe

SaaS services

To successfully launch a product, you need to choose a tech stack. Cloud technology is made up of three categories of leased services: SaaS – ready-to-use software; PaaS – off-the-shelf platforms for specific tasks; IaaS …

Using virtual desktops

Using virtual desktops for remote work

VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is a desktop virtualisation technology that provides access to corporate infrastructure from a mobile device or a computer. You no longer need to purchase office PCs, repair them or maintain software …

Data center

How to create a reliable server infrastructure in Europe?

Growing site traffic and demanding capacity requirements make customers look for a cost-effective solution to support their business processes. That is why renting space for servers at a provider’s data center facility is a trending service.